When you’re overwhelmed….

I had the honor to minister this past Sunday, and I titled it Calgon Take Me Away – What to do When You’re Overwhelmed. We got home from church, and my son said, “Mom, I don’t know what your title meant.” Boy, did I feel old.

Remember that Calgon commercial with the over-stressed woman? And they tried to sell us on Calgon by making us think that it would take away all that stress immediately and turn our house into a calm and peaceful spa.


Wouldn’t it be nice if there really was a product like that? But sadly, there isn’t.

So what do you do when you’re overwhelmed? In this message, I share my story of being stressed, depressed, burned out, and my journey through it all – with some humor. We’ll laugh. We’ll cry. And we’ll see how we can live outside of the stress. And please – let me know if you can relate. 🙂

I pray this encourages you and brings hope and peace and joy to you as it did to me.


(click here for the PowerPoint – I reference some pics you might want to see)

Calgon Take Me Away - What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed (44:20)

Download the MP3

Date: April 21, 2015

By: Toni Lagaras

Description: We are busy these days, aren't we? And stress is never far behind. It lurks. What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? I share my story of being overwhelmed, depressed,and STRESSED! And when I cried out to God, I got the answer nobody wants to hear. Take a listen to see what to do when you're overwhelmed.

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