Who remembers taking tests in school? First you have instruction and homework about your subject. The teacher teaches you what you need to know. You review it. You practice it. You ask your questions. You study it. Then you come in on “test day” to see how well you know the material.
The classroom is quiet. No more talking. No more questions. No more notes open your desk. You simply take the test and turn it in.
There’s a meme going around pinterest that bugs me. And it says, “Sometimes if you wonder why you can’t hear God’s voice during your trials, remember the teacher is always silent during the test.”
I mean, it sounds okay. Like they’re trying to say God thinks you know the material well enough to take a test, right? I wasn’t really sure why it even bothered me. It just did.
But the one hundredth time it popped up in my pinterest feed, I realized there were really two main reasons:
#1 – It gives the impression you’re on your own.
Maybe it’s just me, but every time I read that, it made me think of being in school and being all on my own to take my test. It all hinged on me. On how well I knew my material. My teacher wasn’t helping me. My friends couldn’t help me. I was all alone in test world.
But that’s not how life in God works. I’m never alone. Never. Not when the sun is shining, and especially not in the midst of a trial. A test.
The Bible says He’ll never leave me and never forsake me. It calls Him my ever-present help in times of trouble. He’s the peace in my storm and the fortress I run into.
Not only that, but unlike tests in school, our friends are allowed to help us and it’s not considered cheating. In fact, we are supposed to bear one another’s burdens. We are supposed to encourage and help one another in our times of need. In our tests and trials.
#2 – It’s an open book test!
Umm….God is never quiet. His Word always speaks, and I can open the Bible any time I want to hear exactly what He’s saying. He is always speaking through His Word.
Life is not like school where you had to memorize the material and you couldn’t look at your book or notes during the test. Good news! It’s is an open book test. So, open the book!
Especially in this day and age where you have vimeo and you tube and podcasts at the touch of a button online. Read the Word. Listen to a message. Put on some worship music to remind you how big He is and what His Word says.
He is always speaking. We just need to tune into it.
In school, the teacher may be silent during a test, but I’m so glad He’s not just my teacher. He’s so much more than that.
He’s my Father and Friend and Guide and Helper. He holds my hand and directs me through the pitfalls and obstacles of every trial. He’s right there with me, reminding me what I studied. He gives me His strength to keep on going until it’s over and I’m victorious.
We will have tests and trials in this life….so the next time you’re going through one and feel like you can’t hear His voice, just remember…it’s an open book test!
Really good Toni…..