What you focus on determines what produces in your life. Is what you're looking at producing faith or fear? Belief or doubt? Are you seeing what He's seeing? What are you looking at? ...

God is throwing down another challenge. It won’t always be quick and easy. You might not see immediate results with your eyes. At times it will break your heart almost more than you can stand it. I accept it...will you join me? ...

The Ice Bucket Challenge is everywhere, isn't it? You just can't get away from it. But, what does Jesus have to do with the Ice Bucket Challenge? I'm so glad you asked... ...

Ever have a dream or a goal? I sure have. And it was a good one too. God given! But I read a verse years ago that changed my goal forever, and it's been so much better this way..... ...

Numbers don’t lie. They aren’t subjective. They’re pretty cut and dry. When you see a number, you can know exactly what it means. One means one. Two means two. One will never be two. Two will never be four. Numbers are everywhere. On the scale. On our birthday cakes. In our checkbooks. And they’re always talking, aren’t they? Numbers don’t ...
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