Good morning! This isn't a full-on blog post this morning. Not that I don't want to write one.....my chaotic schedule the last few weeks have kept me from my computer. But it hasn't kept me from Him. We can have restful chaos. Peace right in the middle of the busyness of life. The key is, "Walk with Me." I just ...

Have you ever wanted something really bad? So bad you could taste it? I remember trying out for Cheerleading for the 8th grade and waiting for the call to see if I made the squad….and I didn’t. Then trying out for 9th grade and not making it. Then trying out for 10th grade….and finally – I made the squad. Each ...

I remember growing up and going to Geauga Lake (an amusement park) every summer with my family. They had a ride there called the Double Loop. And…that’s what it did. It looped upside down twice. When I was little, that ride was so daunting. It seemed so HUGE! I was actually scared of it…afraid to ride it. But the bigger ...

We have a rule here in our house. The kids are not allowed to have their electronics in their room at bedtime. They can read at night, but they aren't allowed to play their games. And they're pretty good about it. One night, I heard Mookie come into the kitchen about 15 minutes after bedtime. I got up to see ...

Okay. I have a confession to make. And I hope it helps you the way it has helped me today. My confession is....I can be a bit of a control freak. (And my husband said a huge AMEN!) I had never really realized it until a few years ago, and believe me, I've really endeavored to change. And I think ...
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