Potential OR Realization…you pick!

The Lord said to Moses, “Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. When Moses sent them to explore he said, “Bring me a report of what the land is like.” They came back…and reported to them and to the whole assembly. [They brought back a fearful, doubtful report.] Then Caleb said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” But the men who had gone up with them said, “We can’t attack those people…” (Excerpts from Numbers 13 – I suggest reading the whole chapter 🙂 )

All these years we have avoided the fundraisers at school. You know the ones…you have to sell things…er, I mean your KIDS have to sell things. This year, however, my daughter REALLY wanted to do it. If you sold so many items, your name would be entered into a drawing to win $150. She was saving for an iPod, and the thought of winning that money sounded great to her.

from potential to realization
from potential to realization

I tried to talk her out of it (I know…bad mom award) and told her that although the potential was there for her to win IF she sold enough items, she still may not win it. It’s a drawing after all. Well, wouldn’t you know it? She sold just enough items AND lo and behold, she won the money. (Now we will have to sell every year. Lucky me! L ) LOL! But potential turned to reality for her.

God’s Word is truth. It has a lot to say about us, about who we are, about what He has done for us, about what He has given us. There are countless promises and blessings that He has spoken over us in the Word. Don’t you just love the Word?

So why is it that so many people are not walking in the realization of those blessings in their lives? Why are so many not seeing the promises fulfilled in their lives? Are you? Am I? Not always.

The Word of God – those promises – are His POTENTIAL for our lives. That is what He wants for us. That is what He has already given us. That is how He desires for us to live and what He wants for us to walk in. They are His potential for us. But we have a part to play in turning potential to realization in our lives.

In Numbers 13, we see the potential that God has for Israelites. It’s the Promised Land. He promised it. He had every intention of taking them into it. But what happened? They didn’t live up to their part of the deal, and they didn’t experience the realization of the promise.

They didn’t trust Him. They went into the land all right and brought back a report, but it was a report of fear and doubt and mistrust. “We can’t go in there. They will eat us alive!”

Only two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, came back with a report of faith in God. “Let’s do this thing. God’s with us. We cannot fail!”

They all knew what the potential was. They all saw the same thing. They all knew the promise, but only two got to walk in it. Why? Only two of them did their part. They trusted.

God’s Word is His potential for us, and He wants to perform it for you and for me. But we have a part to play in this. Our words and our obedience determine whether or not we walk in His potential – whether or not we walk in His promises.

Some people are discouraged and ready to give up on a promise…on His potential…on God all together. “Well, I guess God’s Word isn’t for me. It’s not happening. He would just do it if it was meant to be!” No…it is for you. But you have to agree with it.

When you line your words and actions up with what He has said, what you are really saying is, “I trust You more than what I see. I believe You will do it.” And He needs our trust. Trust – our words – our obedience – brings potential into reality.

Maybe you have been holding on to a promise for a while and are ready to just give up. I have been there and thought, “Really!?! I have been waiting for this for YEARS! What’s the point! It’s never gonna happen!”

But those thoughts are lies. Don’t quit! Keep holding on to the promise. Keep your words and your obedience lined up to what He promised. He will do it! His potential will become a reality in your life if you do your part. Our part is to trust and obey…when we do, we will see miracles!

From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled;
    with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.

The tongue has the power of life and death,
    and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:20-21)


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