What do you do when you find yourself discouraged and in desperate need of talking to someone, but no one was there? Your spouse didn't answer the phone. Or your mom. Or your dad. Or your best friend. When even God seems absent? It's at that time you will find yourself having THE most important conversation you'll ever have. ...

Discipleship isn’t something that was reserved just for those faithful few that got to be with Jesus while He was alive. He called them disciples. He trained them as disciples. He wanted them to BE disciples. Then He told them to go MAKE disciples. It was meant to be an ongoing process in and through the church until Jesus comes ...

My husband went to bed early last night and I was awake and alone at midnight, which doesn't always happen. As I sat quietly witnessing 2023 hand off to 2024, I found myself reading a section of scripture in Song of Solomon that has been ministering so much hope to my heart lately and quietly talking with the Lord for ...

Hunger is an invitation from the Lord for more. An invitation to go deeper. It’s a call to go from where you are to get something you don’t have to fill something that’s empty inside of you. Hunger is an invitation from God and He uses it to get you to turn to Him. He wants you to turn to ...

Everything nowadays has to have a wow factor attached to it. It must be instagram worthy to matter. (I used the word “nowadays”. Does that mean I’m old?) I think it would be interesting if God came quietly to an over-saturated, information-overloaded, entertainment-driven generation. And by generation, I mean the definition referring to everyone alive at a given time. We ...


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