My son loves two sports – football and track. But he loves football. And he couldn’t wait until he was old enough to play it at school. His middle school coach was awesome. He encouraged them. Never cussed at the kids. He always coached them up. Encouraged them to win. Alex loved going to every game. And they had a ...

So….I am going to the beach soon. I know. I’m so lucky. Blessed. Amazingly grateful. Did I mention it was close to 25 degrees below zero when I got up this morning? And they’re predicting 5-8 inches of snow for tomorrow? Anyway….. In light of that, I’ve been more focused on eating healthy. Avoiding sweets. Eating salads. Having to put ...

I’ve always been fascinated with the courtroom and lawyers. I think I would have made a pretty good one. I can sure plead my case when I think I’m right. (Can’t I, honey? 🙂 ) There are two sides to any court case. The Prosecution and the Defense. The accuser and the advocate. They each plead their case and try ...

I love puzzles. I'm kind of driven when it comes to puzzles. I have a puzzle app on my ipad. Once I start one, I HAVE to finish it as fast as possible. I love to watch it come together and get every piece set in place, and I LOVE putting the last piece in. The Lord has used puzzles ...

When Mookie turned 3, all he wanted for his birthday was the Rescue Hero Robot. I let his brother help me wrap it, so he knew what the package looked like. Right before Mookie opened it, Alex leaned over and told him, "That's not just yours. That's to share." (Alex also wanted the Rescue Hero Robot.) Well after that, he ...


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