What Happens Wednesday?

Today is Saturday, November 5th. I got up, turned on my teakettle, and pet my dog. I read my Bible. Prayed. Put the final touches on my message for tomorrow and took my son to the high school for his first speech match. (You have to really love speech to agree to a 6:45 am arrival time.)

I ate a bowl of Lucky Charms instead of oatmeal because, let’s be honest, a childhood comfort food is absolutely necessary a few days before this election.

My stomach turned just a little bit….or a lot. And not because of the Lucky Charms. If only those sick-to-your-stomach nervous butterflies burned calories. Oh well. What in the world is going to happen? I prayed again. And then a little bit more.

Lord, help it.

Finally…sweet peace.


It’s easy to get caught up in all the drama, divisiveness, fear, and panic that are suffocating us right now. To only focus on what the news outlets are saying. Easy to get caught up in the minutia of what “they” are telling us is absolute truth.

Except is it? Let’s face it. There are three sides to every story – his, hers, and the truth somewhere in between.

It’s easy to get tangled up in the mess and lose our peace and joy and hope. Precious hope. From the looks of everyone’s Facebook statuses, there is none left to be found!

But there’s something else that should be holding our attention.

What happens Wednesday?

No, the USA is not going to implode. And likely no one will actually move to Canada.

Wednesday morning will come. I’ll get up, turn on my teakettle, and pet my dog. I’ll read my Bible and pray. The sun will come up. Kids will go to school. Babies will be born. People will die. Laundry. Work. Errands. Sunset. Life will go on.

We will trust God.

Some things will remain untouched by the outcome. But pieces of life will change. Instead of praying for the elections, I’ll pray for the new President-elect. We’ll have to adapt. Tweak. Make adjustments.

But let’s keep our eyes on the full picture. God is building a kingdom, and His plan is bigger than any election. Than any one nation. And His plans will triumph.

And this…..this will always be truth.

Upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. (Matthew 16:18b)

Let that knowledge saturate your entire being. And let peace wash over you like a wave. It is well with my soul. It’s all going to be okay. Not because of our new President-elect. But because our God is greater and He is with us.



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