Real Rest

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 in The Message Translation, “I’ll show you how to take a real rest..walk with Me, work with Me, watch how I do it.”

Well….life has been happening at such a rapid pace that I’ve been on a quest for rest lately. A quest for balance. And that phrase intrigued me. I kept thinking about it. And thinking about it. “You want rest? Walk with Me. Work with Me. Watch how I do it.”

Walk. Work. Watch. Those are verbs. Action words. I don’t know about you, but to me, rest is a non-action word. It’s more of a do nothing word. So I started digging into the gospels. I started watching how He did it.

Jesus was the busiest man ever to live. No one has ever given as much as He did or as often as He did. Yet He was never stressed. Never burnt out. Never on the edge. He was always full of peace and at rest.

The more I studied Him, the more in awe of Him I became. The more in love with Him I fell. That study prompted this message and series, Jesus Our Example.

I pray that as you listen to this message and the ones that will follow that you’ll fall even more head-over-heels for Jesus. That you’ll be able to learn from Him and tap into the peace and rest He promised. It’s right there…ready for us to walk in whenever we want. He just have to choose to tap into it…and we’ll learn how to do that as we walk, work, and watch.



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