Do you daydream?

Did you ever daydream as a kid? I wanted to be an Olympic gymnast (Nadia Comaneci to be exact). Or a princess. When I got into high school, I used to daydream about living at the beach, driving around in my jeep with the top down and my surfboard in the back just living the dream. (Ummm…I don’t surf…but it didn’t have to be realistic, right?)

A daydream is a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention away from the present. And usually – in the natural – it’s more of a wish. Something we wished would happen but isn’t likely to.

I still daydream, but I do it a little differently these days.

Sometimes it’s about remembering things that have happened in the past. Sometimes it’s all about remembering things that have happened in the future.

Yep. You heard me right. I get distracted remembering things that have happened in the future. (And no, I don’t have a DeLorean!) 🙂

Wait. What?

I love how before Abraham ever had a child, God told him, “I have made you the father of many nations.” And I imagine Abraham started to daydream about that promise. A lot.

God spoke in the past tense about something that would happen in the future. Except in God’s eyes, it had already happened. He was remembering the future.

God lives in eternity. Past, present, and future are all the same to Him. And in His eyes, Abraham already was the father of many nations before He ever had a child on this earth. It was already a done deal.

So I daydream a lot, remembering the future. And I don’t need a DeLorean and 1.21 gigawatts to do it.

All I need is faith, the ability to look at what He has promised and see it as done because in heavenly reality, it already is done.

And my daydreams are always followed by praise.

I like remembering the past and all He’s done. It builds my faith. If He did it before, He’ll do it again. I remember how He healed my baby girl of a seizure disorder, and I am so thankful. And sweet praise always follows.

But when I remember the future and think about what He’s about to do, it’s a different kind of praise. It’s a faith-filled, trust-filled praise, and it’s powerful.

It says, “I might not see it here on earth yet, but I believe it is already a reality in heaven. I believe in the ability and power of my God to make a way even though I can’t see one. God is not restricted by what I can see, and I don’t have to understand! It was done the minute He spoke it.”

And it’s faith that pulls answers from heaven to earth.

I have some promises that I’m daydreaming about today where faith hasn’t been made sight….yet. I have some closed doors that I’m daydreaming about opening because He said they would. I don’t understand how…but I don’t have to. I can see it.

I heard someone say once, “If you don’t see it before you see it, you’ll never, ever see it.”

So now I daydream more and more, especially remembering the future. God still talks in the past tense about tomorrow about you and me.  Can you hear it? Can you see it?

What are you daydreaming about today?

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. (Colossians 3:1)


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