It’s too late, Lord!

Have you ever set your expectation on something and got so excited about it…and then it didn’t happen quite like you thought? Or when you thought? Or how you thought?

That happened here last week. We ordered something for my daughter, and the shipping information said it would be here by a certain day. And she waited and waited all day Saturday….and it never came. And she was so bummed. She wanted it for school the next day.

It didn’t come in the mail the next day or the next day either. And she was so upset. She set her expectation on something and it fell through.

In John 11, you’ll find the account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. I love this story. Such a strong display of the power of God. Such a wonderful view of our God who makes the impossible look easy.

But it has brought me so much more comfort lately about what happens when my expectations aren’t met. (You can read it here.)

The sisters sent word to Jesus that their brother was sick. Now these are friends of Jesus. He loves them. He’s spent time at their house. Martha has cooked for Him. Mary sat at His feet in fellowship. They had full confidence in Him because they knew Him.

So what does Jesus do when He gets word His dear friend is sick? He hangs out where He is a few more days. And even though He told His disciples the sickness wouldn’t end in death, Lazarus died. He was dead. It doesn’t get more final than that.

And the sisters were so upset. When He got there, Martha met Him first and said, “It’s too late, Lord. If You had been here, our brother wouldn’t have died!” Mary met Him and said, “It’s too late, Lord. If You had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died!” Then all the people with them said, “Didn’t He heal the blind man? Couldn’t He have saved Lazarus?”

In essence, what they were saying was, “Lord! We prayed! And You didn’t answer! It’s too late now! I don’t understand!”

Their expectation wasn’t met, and they were discouraged. When they sent for Him to come when Lazarus was sick, they had full faith in His ability to heal. They were confident. They knew if He came, Lazarus would be healed.

But He didn’t come and Lazarus died.

Do you have any unmet expectations? Is there anything you have prayed for and expected and had full confidence in God’s ability to deliver you from….and yet…. “Lord? Where are You? I prayed. I had faith. I expected You to answer. And You didn’t! I don’t understand?”

Jesus didn’t just meet their expectations…He far exceeded them. He finally did come. They even thought He was too late. But He wasn’t. He raised Lazarus from the dead!

Delay is not denial….it’s just a matter of time.

Jesus told His disciples, “This will not END in death.” And even though Lazarus died, even though it went through death, it didn’t END there.

Your situation might not look like what you thought it would YET – but that doesn’t mean it never will. Don’t let go of the promise…don’t let go of your faith…don’t stop until it looks like what Jesus said it would look like. Even when it’s been a long time. Even when it looks like He’s too late. You can trust Him. He is faithful!


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