Hurry up and get there!

What is God teaching me today? RELAX! We are such a “hurry up and get there” society, but in studying the men and women in the Bible and God’s hand on their lives, it’s evident He’s more of a “relax and enjoy the journey because it’s going to be longer than you thought” kind of God.

It’s kind of like those video games my kids play…on the way to the goal (beating the bad guy at the end) they pick up what they need along the way (health, money, weapons). If you take the short cut, you miss out on what you need when you get “there”.

We could take short cuts or hurry up and get there, but we’re going to miss out on the people, gifts, tools, impartations, and blessings that God had planned for us along the way. And then when we do “get there” we won’t be equipped…and it won’t be as big or as impacting or as far reaching as He had originally intended.

Joseph was called to lead and given dreams of leading WAY before he actually led Egypt through the famine and preserved the covenant people. He spent YEARS honing that leadership gift in Potipher’s house and Pharaoh’s prison before he was ready to step into it though.

Moses was called to deliver Israel YEARS before he actually did. He even tried to do it on his own (remember he killed the Egyptian who was beating the Israelite slave?). But it wasn’t until he spent 40 years in the desert that he was prepared to do it.

King David was anointed king as a shepherd boy, but he didn’t actually have his kingdom established until MANY years and many battles later.

God called Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus, but he spent YEARS in a quiet hidden place before we see him again in the book of Acts delivering the wisdom and mysteries of God.

So…relax and enjoy the journey. Enjoy every single one of these days He has given you. And trust Him. His timing is perfect.

You’ll get there. And you’ll get there well-equipped and ready…and it will be amazing! Who cares if it took a bit longer than you had anticipated. The journey can be just as amazing as the “there”.

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)



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